Bresca Dorada is located in Cann’è Frau, 17 km from Muravera, between the sea and the mountains. It takes up 7 hectares of pristine territory. The first thing to welcome you is the scent of myrtle, of aromatic herbs, of citrus fruit, of lentisk and of saltiness. The company’s land is crowned by Monte Liuru with its bright colours, by the Mediterranean maquis and by the sky.

To reach Bresca Dorada you have to immerse yourself in the Muravera territory, sink into nature, dive into the bucolic Sardinian countryside.

You can reach it by travelling the S.S. 125 towards Muravera. Along the road you will find highway signs that will help to find the firm with ease.

Address of the firm and shop:
Località Cann’è Frau
09043 Muravera
+39 070 99 49 163

+39 070 70 54 775
+39 070 99 49 174

Da lunedì a venerdì
Mattina / 8am-13pm
Sera / 14pm-17pm

L'intervento del Fondo (R)esisto 2020 è realizzato con risorse a valere sul Programma Operativo Regionale cofinanziato con il Fondo Sociale Europeo 2014-2020 della Regione Sardegna.